Frequently Asked Questions About Working With Me

How Do Search Engine Optimization and Content Writing Help Businesses?

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps people find your website without clicking a link in a social media post or an ad. The articles I write for clients utilize SEO strategies so Google ultimately puts their website at the top of its search results. Whenever someone searches things like “average cost of wedding venue” or “what does a wedding planner do,” your blog content will show up in their search results. As they read the knowledgeable and research-backed information I’ve written for you, your articles will create the brand trust necessary to turn readers into clients.

What’s Your SEO Content Writing Experience?

I’ve been a copywriter for nearly a decade! Throughout that time, I’ve written SEO blog content for clients in nearly every industry. Wedding businesses were among the first brands I wrote for, so I’ve got the most experience writing for wedding-related brands offering services like venues, photography, planning, catering and more.

How Involved Would I Be in Your Content Creation Process?

Clients who get a strategy session discuss their invaluable ideas during our 60-minute video call. We’ll talk about the site audit I’ll run to see how your website is doing from a search optimization standpoint and compare your results with your top competitors. I also spend that time discussing future content you can write for your blog so you end the call with actionable article ideas. You’ll also get a one-month content calendar with those ideas to capture everything we discuss without any extra work on your part!

Clients who get ongoing articles from me choose from three tiered service packages. Depending on the package they select, they get recurring strategy sessions, articles, social media captions, newsletters and more. I handle the research, writing and editing of every article, so clients with my one-month, three-month or six-month packages only have to upload their articles to their individual sites and schedule their preferred publishing dates.

Who Is the Typical Audience for Your Content? (B2B or B2C?)

I’ve written for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) brands throughout my career. Whether you want blog posts written for other wedding business owners or potential clients, I can easily modify your target audience to create tailored content for your brand.

Do You Use AI to Write Any of Your Content?

Everything I write comes straight from my brain and my research—AI never generates the articles I send to clients. I honed my writing process long before AI language models ever existed. Content creation is a personal source of pride for me. I don’t generate any of my articles. I even check my drafts for potential plagiarism red flags before sending them to my clients just to ensure Google will give them a big thumbs up.

Additionally, Google leans toward supporting human-produced content over AI articles. AI content might be faster, but it doesn’t mean that readers will access fact-checked information backed by reliable sourcing from authoritative sites. Content writers—like myself—ensure your articles are original, authoritative, helpful and pass all of Google’s super-specific SEO requirements for optimized placement on search engine pages.

Long story short: AI ultimately hurts your search engine rankings. That’s why it will never generate the content you share with your readers.

What Tone and Style Do You Typically Use When Writing?

My expertise in both B2B and B2C content means I can adapt to your preferred writing tone or established brand voice. I only prefer one over the other according to what my clients want!

What Do You Charge for Your Content Writing Services?

Over on my Services page, I break down what you’ll get for a one-time strategy session or my recurring articles. Clients all want different things from their content writing support. My Services page describes how I customize my packages for interested clients. If you’re unsure what’s best for you, schedule your free consult call so we can compare my packages and figure out what would best suit your content needs.

Why Don’t You Charge an Hourly Rate?

I don’t charge an hourly rate because that’s generally unfair to clients and copywriters. More research-intensive or long-form content may take a day or two to write, but only equal 1,000 words. If I charged by the hour, you’d pay much more than if I charged by the package. Since I can’t predict the exact hours I’ll need per project, charging a single sum for a package is much more fair for everyone.

Package rates are also easy for clients and writers to understand. You can instantly check your invoices by comparing your package rate with what I’ve charged on your invoice. You couldn’t do that if I charged hourly since I don’t clock in or work in an office with you.

Are Your Prices Guaranteed for Each Project?

Absolutely! After we discuss what you want from your package purchase, you’ll get a contract that details everything we agreed on. The articles I produce under that contract will always remain at the locked-in contract fee. I never change my fees mid-project.

I only update my prices if a client decides that they want longer or more complex content. We’d schedule a video call to discuss your exact needs and I would send the new contract locking in your benefits and the new price for the length of the contract.

Is Researching Included In Your Copywriting Fee?

Yes, researching is included in the copywriting fee I charge in each contract. My fee covers the time I need to find top-quality, authoritative sources so your articles are the best in your business.

What Are Some Benefits of Using Your Wedding Copywriting Services?

You can check out a more extensive list of my content writing benefits on my Services page, but here’s a brief overview:

  • Copywriting agencies charge between $3,000–$50,000 per client, depending on their monthly or annual payment preferences. My package rates are more economical and custom to your content needs.

  • I get to know each of my client’s brand values and dreams, so you’ll get articles written by someone who understands your professional aspirations.

  • Your articles will have leading industry information from authoritative sources.

  • I’ll always stick with your brand voice so your content is cohesive, no matter how long we work together or what topics I write for you.

  • I double-check the most useful keywords for your content so your articles rise in search results to reach a broader audience.

  • I utilize formatting that keeps readers interested throughout each article.

  • I’m a one-stop wedding content writing shop for long-form articles, short-form content, social media captions and more!

Where Can I See Your Content Writing Portfolio?

You can browse a brief version of my wedding content writing portfolio here! I’ve written thousands of articles since my writing career began in 2011 and my copywriting career started in 2017.

I can’t practically include everything I’ve ever written, but I also have a multi-industry portfolio that showcases what I produce for numerous industries. It’s a good look at work I wrote both under my own name and as a ghostwriter for clients wanting B2B and B2C content writing services.

You can also check out my LinkedIn page for more information about my general professional history.

Will I Have to Sign a Contract?

All of my clients must sign a contract before I start producing any work for them. It’s the best arrangement for both of us! Signing my contract locks in my rate for your package. It also gives you written guidance on things like when you’ll get the rights to each article and what other benefits your package includes.

How Quickly Will I Get My Content?

No matter which ongoing service package you select, I’ll send your work on a weekly basis. The various packages change how many ready-to-publish articles you could receive each week. If you schedule your polished site and potential social media content a week or two in advance, you’ll get ahead of your content calendar publishing schedule.

Is There Any Topic You Won’t Write About?

I’ve written about topics in nearly every professional industry, but right now, I want to support businesses in the wedding industry. If you’d like to write a topic that isn’t entirely wedding-focused (like your reader’s mental health during the planning process or the best honeymoon destinations), that’s absolutely fine. It just has to tie into a couple’s engagement, wedding, honeymoon or relationship experience in some way.

Notably, I do not write any content disparaging LGBTQIA+ couples. I love and support couples of all gender identities and sexual orientations. If you want content that excludes or disparages anyone who isn’t in a cisgender, heteronormative relationship, there are many other freelance content writers who can help you.

What If I’m Not Happy With Your Work?

Clients with ongoing article packages can bring up their thoughts and concerns during our strategy sessions or via email. I’m always open to hearing what’s on my clients’ minds. Simple editing work is no problem! If you want more extensive edits, like changes to your brand voice or tone, I’ll update your contract language and fee accordingly.

I don’t offer refunds because my near-decade of experience means I send polished, optimized work that’s always ready for publication. If you’re not happy with my work, you’ll still owe the remainder of your contract fee. However, I’m more than willing to jump on a video call and talk about how we can make your content exactly what you want for as long as your contract lasts.

What Can I Expect if You Become My Content Writer?

If you sign up for weekly articles, you’ll get the package-specific benefits outlined on my Services page, like:

  • Multiple articles per week

  • Long and short social media post captions for each article

  • Newsletter updates for each article

  • Images and alt text for each article

  • Monthly strategy sessions to ensure we’re still aligned with your publishing goals

  • Internal site links in each article

  • Search engine optimization article formatting

  • Meta descriptions

  • Monthly custom content calendars that include everything we plan during our strategy sessions

If you’d like additional virtual meetings, more articles or longer articles, we’ll update your contract and my fee accordingly. My services come in packages, but they’re more than adjustable to your business’s needs!

Ready to make your professional blog a booming success?