Everything You Should Know About Organic Search Traffic

Word-of-mouth marketing is great, but getting organic search traffic means your site becomes profitable even while you sleep. It’s essential to continual brand growth. If you’re not sure what it is or how to get it, check out this guide to increase your organic search traffic. You’ll understand how it works and even discover a few useful tools to jumpstart your traffic growth.

What Is Organic Search Traffic?

Organic search traffic is any web traffic you get from people googling a topic and naturally finding content on your site through search engine results. Instead of clicking on an ad or one of your social media posts, your audience can find your site through their Google searches.

These clicks can last nearly forever if you’re on Google’s first page. The good news? Every page and post on your website can eventually land on the first page.

The bad news? 90% of pages never rank organically because people don’t understand how to increase organic search traffic with their content.

You may have been experiencing this recently if you’re reading this because you’re frustrated. We’ve all been there. 

Why is it worth your time if you’re ready to give up? Because organic traffic isn’t impossible to achieve. It regularly gives brands numerous benefits while they focus their marketing efforts elsewhere.

A person types on a Macbook Air with a grey and blue striped coffee cup and black Sharpie next to their computer. The screen shows Google Analytics as they try to increase organic search traffic to their site.

How It Helps Businesses Grow

Research shows that running a digital ad campaign costs an average of $2,500-$12,000 per month. That might be fine if your business makes six figures, but that’s not everyone’s reality. Here are a few reasons why organic search traffic helps businesses grow in similar ways.

It Draws Traffic Without Costly Ads

Paying for ads means you’re either paying per day or per click. If your ad goes viral, a pay-per-click setup will cost you big time. Small business owners and new entrepreneurs don’t have to sweat about finding ad money. Publishing search engine optimized (SEO) content to increase organic search traffic will grow your monthly click numbers without any ad fees.

It Increases Brand Exposure

There are two ways you’ll increase your brand exposure through SEO content: global and local SEO keywords.

Global keywords are words or phrases people type into Google to get answers or products that solve their problems. It’s great for getting more exposure and increasing your keyword net for future content.

Example: Someone searches “banana muffin recipes” and gets recipe links from all over the world.

Local SEO increases profits for businesses by boosting your site when people search keywords with localized terms. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to become more competitive with local businesses. The intent is typically getting more traffic from people seeking goods or services, rather than information about something.

Example: Someone searches “wedding copywriters raleigh nc” to find and hire a copywriter specializing in their wedding content who works in their hometown. 

Both are excellent ways to get more brand exposure. If your brand appears in more searches, you’ll introduce yourself to more potential customers without lifting a finger.

It Creates Evergreen Content

There are multiple types of content you could post on your blog, but they pretty much come down to two types: evergreen and seasonal.

Evergreen content is best for increasing organic search traffic. It’s any blog post centered around a keyword topic people will google throughout the year.

Examples of evergreen topics: easy dinner recipes for families / hiking trails near me / best car for dog owners

Seasonal topics use limited-time keyword topics. They may relate to the literal seasons, but they can also feature posts about short-term sales, limited-time products or passing trends.

Examples of seasonal topics: Taylor Swift eras tour costume ideas / Christmas gift wrapping inspiration / Old Navy summer clothing sale

Both are helpful for organic search traffic, but leaning more on evergreen keywords ensures your website will pop up in Google results more often and for an endless amount of time.

It Boosts On-Page Ad Revenue

If you already have ads on your website, organic search traffic makes them even more profitable. Someone only has to click on your website or your blog post to visit the page and increase your ad-related profits.

The average website with ads makes $1 per 1,000 visitors. It’s challenging to reach that number without a substantial social media following. Focusing on publishing SEO blog posts that grow your organic search traffic numbers can make your site get that many visitors without adding more work to your schedule.

You won’t have to stress about successfully converting a new customer through your sales funnel if you have steady organic search traffic boosting your ad revenue.

A person types on a black Macbook on a wooden table with a coffee mug on a small plate beside them The mug is half empty. Potted plants stand tall in the background. The Macbook's screen has an empty Google browser window open.

How Much Traffic Comes From Organic Search?

Experts estimate that businesses will get 53% of their traffic from organic searches this year. If you’re a B2B brand, that number is even more significant. The same research shows that you’re more likely to get 75% of your traffic from organic searches.

If you’re not seeing any significant traffic numbers right now, it’s likely because you’re blogging instead of copywriting. Writing content with SEO strategies in mind is the first step in getting organic traffic.

Not sure what those strategies are? Reach out through my contact page and let’s set up a free consultation call. I’ll do an SEO audit of your site and discuss which strategies are best for your future growth. 

You can also watch this video and take notes to try to pave your SEO future on your own. It’s not impossible—it’s just a bit confusing until you get some practice in!

How Professional Copywriting Content Improves Organic Search Traffic

Investing in a freelance copywriter is a great way to obtain more organic search traffic without extra stress. SEO experts like me help businesses achieve online growth with content strategies like these.

It Analyzes Site Audits to Find Keyword Gaps

Anyone can guess at popular keywords for their industry. If you sell wedding dresses, “wedding dresses” is going to be a leading keyword.

You’ll fuel your content with keyword strategies. These come from performing SEO site audits on your website and your competitors. You’ll see keywords they’re using that could inspire your own content and recognize keyword gaps. What have they written about that’s not on your blog yet? Which opportunities are best for your desired audience?

These are some big questions. If you don’t have SEO auditing experience, it may even seem impossible. 

The good news is that professional freelance copywriters like me offer SEO site audits as part of our services. And with me, you’ll get a free audit during your complementary consultation call!

Ongoing clients who work with me get routine site audits during our monthly meetings. We’ll strategize your content without any guesswork so you see better results over time. (Surprised I didn’t just mention a stat on how fast your traffic will skyrocket? That’s actually one of the more common copywriting scams that people use to draw in business owners. I went into more detail in my keywords post.)

It Includes Industry Trends to Capture All Kinds of Traffic

Keywords aren’t the only thing you should keep in mind to gain more organic search traffic. You should also incorporate industry trends.

You wouldn’t sell many shoes if you didn’t know what shoe styles were going viral on TikTok or Pinterest. Paying attention to external industry trends is super helpful when you’re drafting a content calendar. An expert copywriter will work with you to merge evergreen and seasonal keywords with trendy topics. It helps pull in more clicks while giving you more authority over what your site publishes.

Professional copywriting also watches industry trends specific to blogging. I post on LinkedIn about all kinds of copywriting news and tips. Staying up to date on things like Google’s most recent algorithm update makes me the best advocate for my clients. I’ll know I’m writing the top-quality posts they want so they reach their organic traffic goals.

Someone who doesn’t know how to juggle both of these things while researching your industry keywords, running audits and comparing data isn’t going to be worth your investment.

It Features Content Refinement Processes

What happens when you have a collection of old blog posts? Let’s say you publish one post a month for twelve months. Do those twelve posts remain on the dusty digital shelf of your website?

I never recommend leaving links in the past. It’s always good to update your older content with SEO refinement strategies. These strategies may reshape your content in minor or major ways, depending on how drastically Google’s algorithm has changed since each post’s publication.

When your content gets a metaphorical SEO facelift, old posts that didn’t gain traction can become what gets you on Google’s first page of search results. You’ve gained more of a following since then! Use it to your advantage by updating older posts regularly.

It Comes from SEO Research Tools Instead of Guesswork

I know what it’s like to wonder what you should post on your blog next. Professional copywriting improves organic search traffic by using the latest SEO tools to inspire your future articles. 

You don’t need to hire a copywriter long-term to gain this benefit. You don’t even need to pay the costly monthly fees for things like Semrush or Ahrefs. 

I crafted DIY blog post packages that come with SEO research built-in. They provide blog titles, keywords, length suggestions and more. When someone places an order, I audit their website and send their package with personalized results.

Your blog content should feel empowering. Whether you work with a copywriter or utilize one-time packages to fuel your website, professional copywriting will get more people to your website.

Red Flags to Look for in SEO Packages for Small Businesses

Here are a few quick things to keep in mind if you’re interested in SEO packages. They’re easy money for scammers, who add these red flags to their product descriptions:

  • Avoid anything with specific time-based promises (“You’ll boost your traffic by 50% overnight!”)

  • Don’t purchase SEO packages that don’t mention your website, because those keywords are going to be too generic to relate to your niche (“Anyone can use my keyword list to write great blog content!”).

  • Skip any products promising a specific dollar amount of profits (“These blog post topics pull in $50,000 per month once business owners post them!”).

SEO strategies increase organic search traffic, but it takes time. Remember, you’re aiming for natural growth that depends on what your audience feels like googling that day.

People estimate that organic traffic takes a few weeks to a year to make a significant impact. It depends on what you post, which strategies you use and your search result standings from the start of your journey. Patience and dedication are the key to making it work. Avoid the red flags above to save your money for strategies that actually benefit your site.

A man and woman high five each other while laughing. They're in a conference room with a brick wall, wooden floors and a wooden table. A Macbook sits open in front of them with papers, pens, and drinks all over the table. A whiteboard is behind them.

Boost Your Business’s Online Growth Today

Ready to get more organic search traffic? It’s a big responsibility, but you’re not alone. Contact me to set up your free consultation call and site audit. You can also check out my DIY packages if you feel prepared to update your blogging skills on your own. Either way, you’ll start seeing the passive online growth you want for your brand.


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