Challenges People Experience When Doing Their Own Wedding Copywriting

Copywriting sounds easy, but it’s surprisingly challenging. Writing articles for a professional blog is about so much more than putting your thoughts on paper. Check out the challenges you’re likely experiencing while managing your own wedding copywriting. You'll quickly learn how pros like me make life so much easier for business owners with blogs.

It’s Time Consuming

Research shows it takes three to four hours to write a 500-word blog post. In my experience, that’s pretty accurate for new copywriters and people doing their best with no copywriting training. This is one of the biggest copywriting challenges for business owners. Managing a blog and your business’s services is time-consuming.

Additionally, those three to four writing hours might not happen all at once. You have a business to run, so one blog post will likely take a few business days. You may even need a week or more! 

It Feels Like Guesswork

Picking the topics you’re going to write about can feel like guesswork. If you don’t know the intricacies of keyword research, blog topics feel murky.

You need posts that will reach your current readers and new audiences. That’s incredibly frustrating! It’s an extra source of stress you shouldn’t have to handle in addition to everything you have going on in your life.

It’s Hard to Track a Post’s Success

When a post goes live, everyone hopes people will read it. How do you know if it’s a successful article? 30% of blog posts get 1,000 monthly visitors or less, but that doesn’t mean your latest posts aren’t working.

If you have an expert like me behind your blog, we translate each post’s results during monthly meetings. I compare that data to your site’s ongoing performance metrics and tell you how things are going. 

Benefits of Hiring a Wedding Copywriting Like Me

SEO copywriters like me spend their entire careers refining their writing abilities. We practice our editing skills and build our knowledge of Google’s algorithm daily. Here are just a few of the benefits of hiring a copywriter, no matter your professional niche.

You’ll Get Multi-Platform Content

Blog posts are secretly multi-platform content. Paying someone to write you an article optimized with SEO strategies doesn't just fill your blog with great content. Those posts will also appeal to people on social media.

Each post will address your audience’s concerns or interests. Your readers will appreciate seeing your updates on their feeds because you'll always publish things they want to know.

Improved engagement is also why 95.9% of bloggers share their posts on social media. You’ll increase your social media following by appealing to new and existing followers. Every post will lead more people to your site through the link back to your blog update. It makes social media content management so much more effortless.

I’ll Track Your Blog’s Performance and Update You Regularly

One of the perks of my ongoing content services is getting blog feedback throughout the month. I use SEO tools to track post performance and site developments. While the data might seem impossible to understand alone, I translate everything to help you see how your site is growing with your content. Reflecting on the data is also a key way I plan effective future blog updates.

You’ll never wonder if you’re getting what you want from your investment in my skill set. We’ll meet a few times a month to track your site’s key performance indicators (KPIs). Our conversations and the resulting plans will ensure your blog is one of the strongest pillars of your business’s success.

You’ll Know Your Blog Is Effective

Whether you host your site on WordPress or Squarespace, you can check your blog’s activity with your internal metrics. Compare them to what we discuss in our meetings if you want more involvement in your site’s KPIs. You can always bring your thoughts and questions to our meetings. You don’t have to rely on just what I’m saying to see how successful your blog becomes with professionally written content.

I’ll Work With You to Merge Your Content Ideas With My Content Calendar

Sometimes, business owners worry that their blogs will lose their magic touch if someone else writes their content. That’s not the case at all! During our meetings, I pitch my content ideas and the KPIs that led to ideas. My clients are always welcome to add their own blog post thoughts to the mix.

Your feedback is another way your wedding copywriter—or any copywriter—keeps your brand voice on track. I want to hear about interests in posting things like wedding summaries, holiday-related posts and seasonal work thoughts. Merging them with content from my keyword research is how we maintain your brand identity.

You’ll Gain More Time for Your Business

Time is a precious commodity for business owners. You started your brand to do what you love. Hiring an expert copywriter makes that so much easier. You’ll avoid all of the copywriting challenges I just mentioned and make your blogging simpler.

Let me handle the content management side of things. You’ll have so much more time and peace of mind to do the actual work that made you want to open your business.

A woman in an orange sweater and silver bracelets types on a Macbook on a wooden table next to a wall of windows.

Start Working With a Professional Wedding Copywriter Today

Ready to transform your blog and your weekly workflow? Reach out through my contact form so we can put something on the calendar. You deserve to have less stress and more time for the things that actually interest you. I’ll make sure your blog helps your business grow between our monthly meetings in the meantime. 


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