What Are Keywords? Discover the Power of Blog Content Optimization

Business owners often see posts on social media and the internet about achieving organic web traffic. The phase may seem vague. What’s the point of hiring someone to write a blog post when anyone can put words on a page? It all comes down to the writer’s use of keywords. Check out what keywords are to better understand why SEO copywriting is so powerful.

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are words or short phrases people enter into search engines to find content that answers their questions, addresses their concerns or connects them with helpful products and services. In the wedding industry, they often resemble phrases like these:

  • Wedding planner

  • Wedding photographer

  • Wedding venues near me

That means there are trillions of keywords people enter into Google every day. You don’t need to know them all to write good content. You only need to understand which keywords your target audience is already using to meet them where they are.

What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are search queries that make a complete phrase or question. Because they’re often a complete sentence, they’re mostly used as titles or headers. Wedding queries using long-tail keywords look like this:

  • What does a day-of coordinator do?

  • What’s the most expensive part of wedding planning?

  • What do wedding catering vendors provide?

These queries narrow the purpose of a keyword by getting more specific about a potential reader’s questions. Google sees these in blog content and values them because they show how well you know your audience’s needs and your industry’s functions.

Benefits of Professional Keyword Research

Anyone can write a blog post containing things that are just on their mind. And if that’s what you love—do it! But adding content to your site containing professional keyword research makes your blog both an extension of you and an active part of your growth strategy. Here’s how.

You’ll Feel Confident That What You’re Posting Helps Your Brand

Expert keyword researchers, such as myself, know which phrases are trending in your niche. We know how to find out what your potential readers want to know so your blog content pulls more people to your site. Given how 63.41% of web traffic comes from Google, optimizing your content with keyword strategies based on Google’s algorithm is a guaranteed way to appeal to most web surfers.

Keyword usage and placement tell Google that your site is high-quality and relevant to your audience. You’ll convince the algorithm to send people your way, rather than posting something and hoping people find it.

You’ll Gain New Writing Topics

Keyword research indicates related keywords and questions people are also googling. The tools I use and the experience I have in translating their data for my clients take the guesswork out of creating blog posts. The results help me learn what your readers want to know, what they might also wonder about and which types of content will continue building your audience well into the future.

You’ll See Site Growth Faster

Here are the good and bad parts of SEO copywriting: you get guaranteed results because your content will meet your readers in their Google search results. However, an authentic, professional copywriter can never guarantee the exact timing for your growth goals.

Scammers like to make promises that look similar to this:

DOUBLE your website growth in 30 days or LESS with SEO blog posts for your business!

You’ll get 30% more site visitors overnight by posting just one of our blog posts!

Reduce your bounce rate by 95% within the same week you start posting our expert content.

Those numbers look great and sound even better, but site traffic always relies on some unpredictable factors. You need people to search the keywords you’ve included in a post and you have to wait for Google to rank you higher.

Those things don’t happen overnight. They occur gradually. The goal with SEO copywriting in any industry is continual, long-term growth tracked in baby steps. The content and site audits I do for my recurring clients chart those steps so we can see exactly what’s working and update our growth strategies from there.

Will you see your site traffic explode overnight with SEO blog posts? No, but you’re guaranteed to experience long-term growth with optimized content compared to blog posts written without any SEO training.

Get Expert SEO Keyword Assistance

Once you know what keywords are, what long-tail keywords are and how keyword research helps your site, it’s easier to understand why SEO copywriting helps businesses every day. Get your brand more exposure and reach new clients with services like mine. Let’s set up a free consultation call so you can see the results of my free site audit and learn how my SEO wedding copywriting will help your business.


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