Google’s SEO Data Leak Response: Why SEO Copywriting Isn’t Changing

📢 Google has finally responded to their SEO data leak back in March! 📢

Should anyone paying for or writing SEO content panic?

No. Here's why.

We already knew that the leak pointed to over 14,000 attributes Google uses to determine site rankings. All of them fall under the search engine's core ranking values and EEAT guidelines. 😌

The company's recent statement confirms that the information in the leak does not include how its algorithm weighs those attributes. They only confirmed that the attributes are true.

Here's what business owners need to know:

  • 🔗Diversified and authoritative linking DOES matter for any site owner trying to appear higher in search results.

  • 📅Google DOES look at each post's date to evaluate if a site has a reliable publishing schedule.

  • 🚧How you set up each blog post is important to Google's algorithm (we're talking titles, font weight, etc.)

TLDR: Google's ranking system is complicated, but the leaked info doesn't mean SEO practices have changed. It means those practices are even more important to get right than ever before!


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